2019 – Year in review

Now that we have moved into a new decade, it’s time to take a short look back at the past year. Here are some of Mansoft’s main news of the year 2019!
Update to work hours
At the end of the year our developers were busy focusing on a major update on the work hour planning and our intranet’s work hour acceptance module. This update has now successfully been installed for most customers!
In 2019 we launched our webinars for Theatron customers, to keep everyone better up to date on what’s new in Theatron, and to create an easy channel for discussion. We had one webinar in the spring and one in the fall season. These were recorded, so that persons, who were not able to participate, could still view them at a later time. The webinars have so far been well received and we plan on continuing with them also in 2020.
Fairs & events
Different fairs and events are always interesting for us. As in many previous years, also in 2019 we attended the ABTT fair in the UK. In May we also presented the capabilities of Theatron to local theatre planners at an event in Germany. Do you know a fair or an event, where you think we should be represented?
New Mansoft webpage
In the year before, we updated Theatron’s webpage to a more modern look. In 2019 it was our company webpage’s turn. The Mansoft webpage got a modern look in the same style as the webpage of Theatron. We also applied a chat function to both webpages, to make it easier for anyone to connect with us.
Entered two new countries
Among new customers in countries, where Theatron already has users, we also entered the market in two new countries, Spain and Latvia. Teatre Lliure in Barcelona and the National theatre of Latvia in Riga started using Theatron in the spring. In the fall also another Spanish theatre, Teatre Auditori de Granollers made the leap. We are very happy for these new collaborations and the opportunities to broaden our knowledge on how theatres in these countries work.